SalesLeader by IntelaTek, Inc - Guaranteed Increase in Sales Volume, Gross, and CSI

Famous Quote: "But we have always done it this way"

by: Out of Business and Forgotten


Increased Sales, Front End Gross, Back End Gross, and CSI

We help dealers to increase sales by

  • Streamlining the sales process so your team closes deals faster and with more confidence.
  • Providing consistent car sales training that helps your salespeople continually improve their performance.
  • Creating accountability that turns every sales lead into a high-priority opportunity.

We help dealers to increase front gross by

  • Providing greater visibility into each pencil presented, so you know exactly how many deals are closed on the first pencil. If your team is closing a high percentage, we help make those pencils more profitable.
  • Identifying when deals are going through multiple price cuts and determining why that’s happening. Is it the process, or are managers only stepping in after the gross is already gone?
  • Creating accountability through clear, real-time data that shows where the team is excelling and where intervention is needed to protect gross profit. Are all of our wheels on the road to the sale.

We help dealers to increase back gross by

  • Closing a higher percentage of first pencils, which naturally leads to a stronger back end and more profitable deals.
  • Driving early Finance Manager involvement and accountability, ensuring they engage sooner and oversee deals efficiently.
  • Reducing cancellations and refunds while boosting sales of service contracts beyond the vehicle sale, supported by real-time reporting to quickly address underperformance.

We help dealers to increase CSI by

  • Addressing one of the biggest customer complaints: the length of the sales process. Our system helps reduce this by streamlining the road to the sale journey, leading to a better customer experience.
  • Encouraging early and frequent manager involvement to show customers that their business is valued throughout the process, not just when they’re about to leave.
  • Ensuring customers feel appreciated and respected through a more streamlined and customer-centric approach.

*Take advantage of our 30-day Money Back Guarantee.